A happy new year to anyone passing :)
My own hope is that the new year is going to be better than last year which rated as one of the shittest ones of my life.
On the upside I've been back at work for 6 weeks and the job although not paying well is pleasant enough and is giving me the opportunity to work my way out of the financial mire I've got myself into.
My wife's diability claim which had been turned down throughout my period of unemployment was finally approved after several appeals as they finally spoke to the doctors at the hospital who confirmed all we had written.
So despite the fact I'm working she qualifies for a disability living allowance which is nearly equal to our combined unemployment benefits we had been receiving for the last year? maybe they only approved it now as if we'd received it when I was out of work it would have made a living wage and discouraged me from finding employment.
So things financially at least are looking positive for 2010.