Well it's 2011 already, and about 7 months since I updated this blog!!
Doesn't time fly when your not having fun.
8 Months of Tory (or coalition?) rule that has been pretty much as I thought, the rich still getting richer the poor getting even poorer.
I can't believe every Tory interviewed still trots out the "labour legacy" line no matter what the question, the facts were all there before the election and they still promised to sort out the problems and 8 months in and they still claim to not have known what state the countries finances were in?
Of course they are loving it really with the excuses ready made and the Liberals to blame if that fails, they've done their homework on how to survive at the next election and all the Sun reading muppets will still fall for it.
As for Labour I got my dream ticket of Ed Milliband and Alan Johnson but so far Little Milliband has been a damp squib and what sense he was talking pre-election seems to have deserted him totally now.
A year of working a dead end job has lightened the financial burden, and apart from the 6 phone calls a day from Credit Solutions Ltd who can't seem to get the hang off picking up the direct debit I set up 18 months ago to pay off my Capital One credit card bill (about a grand) the rest have been sweet as.
The missus is slowly getting worse from her illness and now has to use a walking frame on trips outdoors :(
Youngest son who is at Uni is facing about 25 grand of debt when he leaves despite working 2 part time jobs to keep the wolves from the door, luckily he finishes this year before the tuition fee rises even more.
I do apologise to anyone who was a regular here and thought I was dead, in a lame Tory way I'll trot out some excuses!! back in work and looking after a sick wife doesn't leave a lot of time and what time I've had I spent wasting on other blogs (music and football) and a little too much time spent farting around on Facebook :(
I do have a lot to say and I am always thinking of stuff to put here usually while working or travelling to and from work but like the words from my favourite football teams theme song "just like my dreams they fade and die" and I get home and go blank.
Maybe when I'm richer I can get one of those internet phones and post lots of crap (I mean my thoughts) in a Twitter stylee ... or maybe not.