Cameron stands up in Parliament and says that the health service will be better for everyone, in the following local news they announce that my local already overworked hospital is to cut 400 jobs and 6-8 wards are to close?
My wife had 2 appointments booked next month one with the neurological department and one with the eye doctor both to do with her illness, both have been cancelled in the last week.
The hospital had tea and snack bars run by the WRVS (Woman's Royal Volunteer Service) both without any cost to the hospital, and the WRVS raised money for the hospital as well (£80,000 last year) which is given for vital equipment but that is ending as the local tories have decided to kick them out and pay £100,000+ a year for a private contractor to take it over.
After years of trying the wife finally got incapacity benefit last November after they finally agreed to agree with the doctors that she is disabled, but an early announcement from the gruesome twosome is that incapacity benefits will be cut.
Why can't they be honest and point out if your ill they want you to die and not be a drain on resources.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Here We Go Again
So the deal was done, the Liberals have taken their chance to be part of the government for the first and only time this century?
Vote Lib Dem and keep the Tories out was a rallying cry in more than just my local constituency, yeah right that worked didn't it!!
It will be interesting to know if Cameron's "sack your MP" statement can be used by disillusioned Lib/Dem voters who never wanted to be Tories.
Anyway we've had the "love in" on the grass and Clegg seems to have forgiven Cameron calling him a joke, and each of them have forgotten rubbishing each others policies.
Typical two faced politicians, we shouldn't be surprised.
It was interesting to see Vince Cable's face when he was asked about working with George Osborne, I get the feeling that little partnership is going to be strained.
Their is still one seat up for grabs (safe Tory seat Thirsk) and as far as I know the Lib/Dems are still putting up a candidate against the Tory, it might be interesting to see how much the Lib/dem vote declines as it seems totally pointless to vote for them now.
So day one of this new era has been and gone and already cracks have started to appear, the National insurance rise proposed by Labour and condemned by Cameron and Clegg has been approved but for employees only (wouldn't want to upset the Tory bosses) and when challenged on Newsnight the leading Tory was very quick to blame the Lib/Dems for it saying it was needed to subsidise the 10k tax break promised by Clegg and co. No surprise that the NI rise comes into effect within a year but the promised no tax for people earning less than 10 grand will be "phased in" probably meaning it's not going to happen, Indeed almost every awkward question was answered with reference to the Lib/Dems policies being responsible so it seems the Tories have not only got the power they wanted but have a ready made scapegoat for any unpopular policies they are likely to introduce.
A change to the constitution was sneaked in meaning that now 55% of MP's are now needed to vote down a government against the old 51%, and a fixed term of 5 years is now the rule so it looks like you're stuck with this lot for the full term unless the Lib/Dems do the decent thing and break up this coalition.
My early prediction for 2015
Record unemployment, record levels of poverty, and frequent riots.
The tories will of course blame the previous Labour government and the polices forced on them by the Lib/Dems.
Vince Cable will be leading a breakaway version of the Liberals who have distanced themselves from Clegg.
Newer Labour
Brown's gone and Labour are looking for a new leader which in my opinion isn't an easy task as none of the front runners inspire me much.
Ed Balls (with a name like that he's bound to talk bollocks, which he usually does), David Milliband (who as some radio host pointed out isn't even the best politician in his own family), Harriet Harman (have no idea why anyone would put her forward?), Andy Burnham (not much substance but might appeal to all those people who said they voted for Cameron because he was young and a fresh face?) and probably a few other less well known names.
My own preference would be the more talented Milliband brother Edward or old stager Alan Johnson who I don't think will actually stand.
I've got doubts either of those fit the bill though as one is a bit too left wing for "new new" Labour and the other is 60 years old which seems to be a no no these days.
Hope they sort it out soon though because the whirlwind romance of Cameron and Clegg is bound to end in divorce sooner rather than later.
Ed Balls (with a name like that he's bound to talk bollocks, which he usually does), David Milliband (who as some radio host pointed out isn't even the best politician in his own family), Harriet Harman (have no idea why anyone would put her forward?), Andy Burnham (not much substance but might appeal to all those people who said they voted for Cameron because he was young and a fresh face?) and probably a few other less well known names.
My own preference would be the more talented Milliband brother Edward or old stager Alan Johnson who I don't think will actually stand.
I've got doubts either of those fit the bill though as one is a bit too left wing for "new new" Labour and the other is 60 years old which seems to be a no no these days.
Hope they sort it out soon though because the whirlwind romance of Cameron and Clegg is bound to end in divorce sooner rather than later.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Hang the MP
So it's a hung parliament the Tories leading with 306, Labour 258, Lib Dems 57, Others 28 with 1 still to come.
Percentage wise the Tories (36%) actually beat "none of the above" who only had 35% this time whose share was bolstered by thousands of people who couldn't vote due to being locked out of polling stations after queueing for hours, or by some polling stations running out of voting slips?
OK I'm depressed by this as I don't beleive there are over 10 million millionaires in this country (which would be my only reason for voting Tory), so I assume the Tory biased newspaper and TV coverage have again influenced the result.
"We want change" they kept saying, forgetting that change doesn't always mean "change for the better", this could be as good as it gets and the only way is downhill.
How can "change" mean electing the party who fucked up the country in the Eighties and Nineties and you kicked out with a vengance in 1997, it's the same party with the same ideals only with a new figurehead. They will do the same again and we'll be back here in 5 years saying we want change again.
Of course we could be doing this all over again in 6 months as I still don't think Clegg can possibly support Cameron and expect to keep the support of his party, surely it's commiting political suicide to side with the Tories for the short term gain of a few years in the limelight, I believe a large chunk of the Liberal support are former Labour supporters who would not stand for a leader supporting the Conservatives.
A lot of us fell for the hype that the Liberals were actually a credible third party after Clegg's X-factor win, but the voters when it came down to it ignored him and they did worse than the last election, supporting the Tories now could pretty much wipe them out as a political force in future elections, as the Tories would use that support to point out that there wasn't a credible reason to vote Lib/Dem anymore.
On a different note, as I like playing with figures here is the number of seats that would have been won using proportional representation (figures in brackets are actual seats), assuming 650 seats to play for.
I've used the top ten parties with all others grouped as "others" obviously.
Conservative - 235 (306)
Labour - 189 (258)
Lib/Dem - 150 (57)
UKIP - 20 (0)
BNP - 12 (0)
SNP - 11 (6)
Green - 6 (1)
DUP - 4 (8)
Sinn Fein - 4 (5)
Plaid Cymru - 3 (3)
Others - 16 (5)
Election TV
Actually sat through about 7 hours of the TV election coverage, and have no idea why I bothered.
The choice was the BBC who seem to have spent a fortune of the licence payers money on a huge set, silly high tech graphics and a boat load of minor celebrities.
I do like David Dimbleby who does seem to remain impartial unlike some of his co-presenters, I have no idea why the employ Andrew Neil who must still be getting paid by Murdoch going on the amount of bias for the Tories over the campaign.
The celebrity boat was cringeworthy with the Shredded wheat haired Neil interviewing drunken Z-list celebs who didn't have a clue what was going on.
It doesn't take a political "heavyweight" to guess which way people like Bruce Forsyth are going to vote does it?
Paxman is way past his "sell by" date, as he hasn't got the better of any politician in years, and last night I was just embarrassed for him as he asked the same question over and over of every Labour MP about "how can you form a government when the people have rejected you" and could only pull faces when they obviously refused to answer when at the time only a fraction of the votes had been counted.
Also his opening question to rejected Lib/Dem Lembit Opik was schoolyard stuff asking him if it was down to the Cheeky Girls.
I don't mind Jeremy Vine but why did they give him the job of explaining the election with a collection of CGI dominoes and paving slabs and other gimmicks to would have looked better on Newsround or C-Beebies as they seemed designed so the under fives could follow it, and I'm guessing not many of those had stayed up to watch. Also Emily No-mates operating that giant I-pod thing seemed like they were trying just a bit too hard to impress the younger generation and failing miserably.
The ITV coverage was basic but effective as they seemed to be getting the results about 15 minutes before the BBC for some reason, only spoiled by having "Bride of Frankenstein" Anne Widdecombe as a studio guest which surely must have pleased the BBC as I can only take about a minute of her before changing channels.
Channel 4 decided to have an alternative election special hosted by David Mitchell, Jimmy Carr and Charlie Brooker which sounded like an excellent idea but was pretty disappointing, it could have been done so much better.
So overall another 7 hours of my life wasted, it would have been longer but I fell asleep long before the end and have to thank my Cat for scratching my leg to remind me to let her out otherwise a night in the chair usually leads to a stiff neck next morning.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
X Marks The Spot
Well I've done my duty and voted, and once again it'll make as much difference as throwing it in the bin in this Tory safe seat :(
Once again the wife and me were by far the youngest people at the polling station, which considering we're both now over 40 is still surprising.
My kids and their friends although doing things like joining facebook groups and having opinions in support of various parties seem unlikely to bother voting with the most common comment being "it won't make any difference", which seems to be the general opinion of most young people I know.
So we should know which bunch of crooks will have the power sometime in the next 12-16 hours, a 3 way tie would be interesting but I expect the Tories to win although possibly not with an overall majority, I very much doubt that the Lib/Dem's 33% of the vote (according to polls) will translate into 33% of the seats and they will still be the third party, although I could be wrong and usually am.
It would be interesting to know how much the Tories have spent on advertising (campaigning) this time as everywhere I look I see posters of prospective Tory candidates, most web sites I log into have Conservative adverts jumping out at me, campaign leaflets coming through my letterbox every couple of days, and I had to drive to Norwich yesterday and virtually every farmers field I passed had a large placard in support of the area's Tory planted by the side of the road every 50 yards I estimate I saw about 500 in my 2 hour drive (there were 2 for the Liberals as well).
Fingers crossed that smug git Cameron won't be smiling in the morning, but I'm bracing myself for disappointment.
Once again the wife and me were by far the youngest people at the polling station, which considering we're both now over 40 is still surprising.
My kids and their friends although doing things like joining facebook groups and having opinions in support of various parties seem unlikely to bother voting with the most common comment being "it won't make any difference", which seems to be the general opinion of most young people I know.
So we should know which bunch of crooks will have the power sometime in the next 12-16 hours, a 3 way tie would be interesting but I expect the Tories to win although possibly not with an overall majority, I very much doubt that the Lib/Dem's 33% of the vote (according to polls) will translate into 33% of the seats and they will still be the third party, although I could be wrong and usually am.
It would be interesting to know how much the Tories have spent on advertising (campaigning) this time as everywhere I look I see posters of prospective Tory candidates, most web sites I log into have Conservative adverts jumping out at me, campaign leaflets coming through my letterbox every couple of days, and I had to drive to Norwich yesterday and virtually every farmers field I passed had a large placard in support of the area's Tory planted by the side of the road every 50 yards I estimate I saw about 500 in my 2 hour drive (there were 2 for the Liberals as well).
Fingers crossed that smug git Cameron won't be smiling in the morning, but I'm bracing myself for disappointment.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
General Election 2010
The election is just round the corner so probably time to write something.
My own political views probably don't make sense to many of you as when I was young I chose my allegiance and have no plans to change it, in the same way as in football I will always support West Ham despite them being a bit crap at the moment I will also support Labour despite them also being crap at the moment.
I remember getting really depressed in 1992 when for some reason the British public voted for a 4th term in office for the really crap Conservatives? I could never get my head round that one? how can so many people be fooled by reading Tory comics telling them who to vote for, don't people have minds of their own? 1997 came around and I finally got my Labour government although it really wasn't the Labour party that I had always supported just seemed like a watered down version of the Tories.
Thirteen years of new Labour hasn't been that great but I comfort myself by thinking what a disaster it could have been if the Tories had remained in power, I think Gordon Brown's biggest mistake was not calling the election a few years back when it was being hotly tipped he was going to, if he had he could have got out just in time before the banks crashed and the credit crunch took hold and we could have all blamed smarmy git Cameron for all the worlds problems.
That decision rates up with Scargill not having a legal vote for a strike at the beginning of the 1984 Miners strike when support for a strike was almost total and he would have walked it and hopefully would have led to the beginning of the end for the Thatcher government.
As for this election I was once again feeling depressed at the thought of the Tories taking power, I'm not a millionaire so what have they got to offer the likes of me? just 5 more years of the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, workers rights being eroded even more, public services being cut back to the bare bones so some fat cat can make even more money.
The recent TV debates have at least breathed some life into the whole process, I haven't seen them as I work 2-10 shifts and the thought of 3 more politicians talking bollocks for hours didn't inspire me to record it, but today’s superficial public seem to have been inspired by Nick Clegg for some reason.
I saw Clegg on a Sunday morning politics show a few weeks ago being ripped apart by an average interviewer and some selected public reading out basic questions, he fluffed about and looked totally ill at ease so assumed he would be crucified by Cameron and Brown but obviously they must have been even worse.
I am getting a feeling from talking to a variety of people that maybe the Liberals do have a chance? millions of people have probably considered them in the past for the simple reason they weren't Tory or Labour but didn't vote for them as with the current voting system it would be a wasted vote, but with the current image driven system a whole batch of "floating" voters might actually vote for Clegg and all those "would vote Liberal if they had a chance" type voters possibly will vote for them this time.
It's been nice recently that the usual smear campaigns run by the Tory press usually directed at Labour but now at Clegg have been treated with the disrespect they deserve and seem to have backfired.
My own vote will be Labour even though in my area it is definitely a wasted vote as the Tories have won Southend for ever, even during Labour landslides and despite the current Tory council being the most incompetent bunch we've ever seen.
The only Tory policy I liked was Cameron's speech about being able to sack your MP, so if the Tories do win I'll look forward to getting rid of that useless bastard David Amess who is probably more familiar to the people of the Maldives than those of us in Southend who never see him around here. Of course I know my chances of getting him sacked despite all his undeclared freebies are non existent.
Oh well roll on the 6th of May to see which bunch of crooks get the keys to number Ten, I'm sure I'll be disappointed whichever way it turns out, a hung parliament sounds good ..... get the Gallows ready.
My own political views probably don't make sense to many of you as when I was young I chose my allegiance and have no plans to change it, in the same way as in football I will always support West Ham despite them being a bit crap at the moment I will also support Labour despite them also being crap at the moment.
I remember getting really depressed in 1992 when for some reason the British public voted for a 4th term in office for the really crap Conservatives? I could never get my head round that one? how can so many people be fooled by reading Tory comics telling them who to vote for, don't people have minds of their own? 1997 came around and I finally got my Labour government although it really wasn't the Labour party that I had always supported just seemed like a watered down version of the Tories.
Thirteen years of new Labour hasn't been that great but I comfort myself by thinking what a disaster it could have been if the Tories had remained in power, I think Gordon Brown's biggest mistake was not calling the election a few years back when it was being hotly tipped he was going to, if he had he could have got out just in time before the banks crashed and the credit crunch took hold and we could have all blamed smarmy git Cameron for all the worlds problems.
That decision rates up with Scargill not having a legal vote for a strike at the beginning of the 1984 Miners strike when support for a strike was almost total and he would have walked it and hopefully would have led to the beginning of the end for the Thatcher government.
As for this election I was once again feeling depressed at the thought of the Tories taking power, I'm not a millionaire so what have they got to offer the likes of me? just 5 more years of the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, workers rights being eroded even more, public services being cut back to the bare bones so some fat cat can make even more money.
The recent TV debates have at least breathed some life into the whole process, I haven't seen them as I work 2-10 shifts and the thought of 3 more politicians talking bollocks for hours didn't inspire me to record it, but today’s superficial public seem to have been inspired by Nick Clegg for some reason.
I saw Clegg on a Sunday morning politics show a few weeks ago being ripped apart by an average interviewer and some selected public reading out basic questions, he fluffed about and looked totally ill at ease so assumed he would be crucified by Cameron and Brown but obviously they must have been even worse.
I am getting a feeling from talking to a variety of people that maybe the Liberals do have a chance? millions of people have probably considered them in the past for the simple reason they weren't Tory or Labour but didn't vote for them as with the current voting system it would be a wasted vote, but with the current image driven system a whole batch of "floating" voters might actually vote for Clegg and all those "would vote Liberal if they had a chance" type voters possibly will vote for them this time.
It's been nice recently that the usual smear campaigns run by the Tory press usually directed at Labour but now at Clegg have been treated with the disrespect they deserve and seem to have backfired.
My own vote will be Labour even though in my area it is definitely a wasted vote as the Tories have won Southend for ever, even during Labour landslides and despite the current Tory council being the most incompetent bunch we've ever seen.
The only Tory policy I liked was Cameron's speech about being able to sack your MP, so if the Tories do win I'll look forward to getting rid of that useless bastard David Amess who is probably more familiar to the people of the Maldives than those of us in Southend who never see him around here. Of course I know my chances of getting him sacked despite all his undeclared freebies are non existent.
Oh well roll on the 6th of May to see which bunch of crooks get the keys to number Ten, I'm sure I'll be disappointed whichever way it turns out, a hung parliament sounds good ..... get the Gallows ready.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Average Speed Cameras

Without going into the rights and wrongs of that decision the one thing I'm always amused with is the amount of people who don't understand the concept of "average speed", every day I see drivers slowing down for the cameras then speeding up between them and slowing when they approach the next one.
I guess they're all bemused when the fine drops through their letterbox informing them they'd averaged 65mph.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Facebook Campaigns

As it turns out enough people bought the download and it made it, but it obviously wasn't thought out too well as rather than give Simon Cowell the "bloody nose" it's actually just made him a pile more money as both "artists" are on Sony/BMG.
A more worthy campaign doing the rounds is one to get the legend that is Jimmy Bullard onto the cover of the latest FIFA game.
Undoubted skill and personality but lacking a bit in the looks department, although Ronaldinho was on a recent one so that shouldn't matter.
Hopefully the great British public will get this one done too :)
Friday, 1 January 2010
Happy New Year
A happy new year to anyone passing :)
My own hope is that the new year is going to be better than last year which rated as one of the shittest ones of my life.
On the upside I've been back at work for 6 weeks and the job although not paying well is pleasant enough and is giving me the opportunity to work my way out of the financial mire I've got myself into.
My wife's diability claim which had been turned down throughout my period of unemployment was finally approved after several appeals as they finally spoke to the doctors at the hospital who confirmed all we had written.
So despite the fact I'm working she qualifies for a disability living allowance which is nearly equal to our combined unemployment benefits we had been receiving for the last year? maybe they only approved it now as if we'd received it when I was out of work it would have made a living wage and discouraged me from finding employment.
So things financially at least are looking positive for 2010.
My own hope is that the new year is going to be better than last year which rated as one of the shittest ones of my life.
On the upside I've been back at work for 6 weeks and the job although not paying well is pleasant enough and is giving me the opportunity to work my way out of the financial mire I've got myself into.
My wife's diability claim which had been turned down throughout my period of unemployment was finally approved after several appeals as they finally spoke to the doctors at the hospital who confirmed all we had written.
So despite the fact I'm working she qualifies for a disability living allowance which is nearly equal to our combined unemployment benefits we had been receiving for the last year? maybe they only approved it now as if we'd received it when I was out of work it would have made a living wage and discouraged me from finding employment.
So things financially at least are looking positive for 2010.
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