Friday, 1 May 2015


I know I swear a lot during conversations, but the language reflects the situation.
I rarely swear when talking to the wife or family, but find myself swearing to extreme in chats with workmates.
A good test is what expletive you comes out with when you hurt yourself, I have found that when I bang my little toe or hammer my finger, I usually manage to reel off the entire list of swear words in my vocabulary while hopping about or shaking my injured part :)
But I have surprised myself this week, twice in the matter of a few days I have been driving in the afternoon when one of the school run brigade have pulled out straight in front of me.
Both times I have anchored on the brakes and skidded to a stop (no ABS) before actually hitting them and without thinking shouted "Prat"?
Not the most offensive word in the world but obviously my subconcious brain thinks it's appropriate for the moment :)
When I've had a few seconds to think, the real offensive language takes over but by then the moment has passed.

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