Monday, 31 December 2007

Porn and the Internet

Love it or loathe it, porn is the reason why the internet is so big these days.
I doubt if many if they were honest could deny they've never looked at porn usually within days of getting a internet connection.
I Remember watching a program years back which detailed the fact that most internet inovations were powered by the porn industry, secure transactions were made possible by companies set up to handle porn subscriptions before banks and retailers ever dreamed of going online.
Basically if the porn industry hadn't embraced the internet so readily 10-15 years ago it would most likely still only be available to the very rich and in a vastly reduced form.

What reminded of this, was I have a Rapidshare account for downloading the sort of stuff you find in blogland, cheap enough on it's own but can be free if you fancy uploading stuff for others to download (although 10,000 downloads for a free month is a bit steep).
I've uploaded various stuff around the net with a limited success over the last few months (a couple of hundred downloads only), so I tried uploading a couple of porn clips this morning to a popular forum and nearly a 1,000 downloads in 8 hours!!

As I say despite the denials I know what most of you are really looking at :)

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Merry Christmas

Just like to say to anyone that reads this blog -
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Although I don't really hold with the whole Jesus thing, I'll celebrate with the god of commercialism like everyone else and use it as an excuse to get drunk, over eat and watch some crap films.

Have a good one.


Although I generally hate advertising due to the fact that everything is being taken over by it, I do enjoy some of the better made commercials.
Maybe it's just me but with a lot of commercials I watch I totally miss what they are actually advertising?, my son was mentioning if I had seen the new Carling ads? and I said I hadn't seen them.
When he described them to me I knew which ones he meant as I quite enjoyed them but hadn't even noticed what they were advertising?
Another one, an excellent set of animated adverts from Lloyds TSB bank I thought were advertising trains?

Have a look - Carling 1 - Carling 2 - Lloyds Trains 1 - Lloyds Trains 2 - Lloyds Trains 3 - Lloyds Trains 4 - Lloyds Trains 5
In case any of you are thinking of joining Lloyds .. don't do it they're a bunch of crooks and hopefully they'll go bust.

TV License

Advertising does my head in, I am actually almost pleased I pay a TV license so I can actually watch the BBC channels without the overwhelming amount of commercials ruining every programme.
Although the whole principal of the TV license is wrong in my opinion, basically if you have a TV you have to pay it, with non payers in a few extreme cases being sent to jail.
Surely with the digital switchover upcoming it would be a more reasonable option to give people the choice, as the BBC could be a subscription only channel? although the huge loss of income would probably mean them having to take advertising as well... you can't win can you.


A few years back at work I was pulled up by our security conscious IT department and told my system login had taken less than 3 seconds to break, and was advised to change it to something containing upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.
So I've followed the advice ever since, the problem being once in a while I have a blank mind and totally forget them.
I sometimes amazed when I pull a password from the back of my mind for a rarely used website login, but once in a while a "brain file" goes missing!!
I write this after searching for hours for the scrap of paper I wrote this sites login on, I know we're advised not to write down passwords but with my housekeeping skills not being as tidy as my brain they are reasonably safe as I finally found it after going through two boxes of bills, junk mail and assorted crap I found it.
Would have been easier to send for a replacement I know, but don't like to be beaten :)

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

The Irn Bru Snowman

Another brilliant advert from the Irn-Bru people

Thursday, 6 December 2007


America - Land of the Free, home of the Nutter with a gun.

Every country has nutters (England included).
I encountered 2 yesterday on a visit to the local bank, one old man who because he was asked to wait started swearing at everyone before storming out.
Also a middle aged woman who despite the cold and rain, was stood at the counter in a way too short mini skirt and high heels trying to look like a teenager despite being the wrong side of forty.
While shouting at the cashier (after being told she only had a tenner in her account) she repeatedly let everyone know that she should have more money because her mental health councillor had told her it would be in her account.
"I'm not gonna kick off, so there's no need to call the police" she shouted about 10 times.

The difference with British nutters is that in 99.99% of times they aren't carrying an automatic pistol or high powered rifle due to the gun laws, I'm sure that she would have shot the cashier (and a few others) if she had.
Most British nutters are harmless, the main exception being the drunken nutters after a night out although even the majority are not armed apart from the odd knife or baseball bat (another American influence).
We do have a growing gun problem but on the whole it is confined to inner city drug gang areas, although I imagine it will get worse until the government / police adopt a zero tolerance policy with anyone carrying a gun facing a proper life sentence or being legally shot by armed police.

America's "right to bear arms" a line taken out of context from the 2nd amendment to the American constitution (which is an ever changing document) seems to be used as the excuse by all the nutters in the NRA and other pro-gun groups to justify their ownership of enough firepower to fight a war.
It's like all the religious nutters always quote passages from their various holy books to justify murder, terrorism etc despite all religions having the non negotiable "thou shalt not kill" as one of the basic rules.

So another 9 dead yesterday after another American teenager decides to "end it all" while ending it all for more innocents, bringing the total to about 50 people dead from the 3 high profile incidents this year.
What shouldn't be overlooked that over 25,000 people die and over 60,000 people are injured every year in the US by firearms, not all are caused by criminal activities there are a fair number of suicides and accidents.
America (Bush) went to war over the death of less than 3,000 people in the "911" tragedy but every year nearly ten times as many Americans are killed by Americans.
Surely the ability of American people to live in safety would be better served by bringing his troops home and having them stationed in America dis-arming his own people, instead of sending his troops to all parts of the world stirring up even more hatred of his country and making America the preferred target of all extremists in the world.

Sunday, 2 December 2007


So much to rant about, but writing was never a favourite subject.
So many things annoy me I really should write long boring rants about it, but probably no one reads this so it's a bit pointless?

So briefly -

Religion - Religion = Bigotry, ban it.
Labour Politicians - Bunch of crooks, trying a little too hard to be like the Tories.
Environment - Excuse for every rip-off merchant to make money from people's fears.
Newspapers - Tory rags peddling lies to the masses.
Advertising - Brainwashing.
Television - Too may channels, not enough content.
Office workers - Waste of space.
Text messaging - Killing the art of conversation.
Computers - Time consuming, addictive.
Alcohol - It's another drug, why advertise it?
Education - Exam passes for league tables not ability.
Football - Middle/Upper class sport nowadays.
Common sense - A Dying Art.

Should Be Compulsory

A few tests that all drivers of "off road" vehicles should be made to try before obtaining their licences.
Obviously as they feel the need to buy one they must be planning to go off road, makes sense doesn't it?

A few more tests before approval -

This one made me laugh, watch the guy at the back forgetting his hand brake.

This one surprised me, a head on Renault Espace v Land Rover Discovery crash.
Was pleased to see the Land Rover driver would have come off worse if it happened.