Saturday, 16 February 2008

Simplistic View

Two hot topics in the news, introducing Sharia law into Britain and proper punishment for murdering thugs.
So the simplistic view is introduce some of the harsher aspects of Sharia law and stone the bastards to death, then everyone's happy ........ aren't they?


Anonymous said...

The sharia law thing has been deliberately misrepresented by the tabloids in order to fuel anti Islamic feeling (though I am not a fan of Islam or any religion).

Ppl have been led to believe that muslims want Sharia law introduced into the UK, when in fact we already have it (at least the muslim community does). It is not a law as we know it...there's no court as such, it is more like an advisory service for muslims, the stoning & cutting of limbs would never happen here because those barbaric methods are cultural as much as religious (like the US has a gun culture that the UK has never had).

As long as they are subject to their own law & we are subject to ours, I see no problem. Personally, I am against ANY immigration because it does not serve the people of either side...Poland needs to sort out its OWN economy, not expect Britain to cater for its people. Is that racist? No, it is the opposite because it puts the needs of the countrymen first. The Poles would rather be earning a decent wage in their own country.

I feel sorry for muslims in the UK, they get all the shit for a misguided political policy & a minority of extremists who have tarred all muslims with the "9/11" tag (I don't recall hearing about muslims much before 9/11). People are moved about like chess pieces, in the end it is the state that benefits from immigration...they take these people's taxes.

As for punishing violent thugs...I don't believe you can punish them properly unless they suffer as the victim suffered. Taking their lives by capital punishment only makes their own violence seem acceptable & normal. Locking them up achieves nothing. Only by creating a society where violence is not tolerated or supported will we make headway, we can only do this by valuing the individual...ppl are neither valued nor respected by the state, yet the politicians expect deprived kids on run down estates to behave properly whilst their own middle class kids live in prosperous areas & receive a proper start in life.

I know if someone beat my dad to death, I would want them to suffer a fate worse than death, but then the cycle of violence would just continue.

I truly believe that there is no real form of effective punishment other than the victims deciding what should happen...letting the victim decide (if they can) is the nearest you'll get to "justice". I don't think there has ever been such a law that allows the victims to choose the penalty...this says alot about the criminal justice system & who it serves.

Lee said...

I think I understand about how Sharia law works in Britain, as you say it's more a set of rules to guide how muslims should live, and certain parts are already active in the UK.
But tend to agree with a local muslim victim of racist violence, that the more barbaric parts of this law as practiced in more extreme countries would certainly deter people from such hate crimes.

Surely proper sentences that fit the crimes is what everyone really wants, but because this country seems to say we can't put people in prison because there isn't room (because it's not cost effective to build more prisons and employ more staff), we just feel that criminals are getting an easy ride.
I still believe in the death sentence and hard labour for serious criminals and that's my view.
An adequete detterent does not exist in Britain at present, and I know people will say it doesn't work in America and other countries but if only for the victims families then something needs to be done to rectify this.
If a member of my family was murdered and the person was caught, I would expect a proper life sentence, I would not want to see them out of prison in my lifetime, and would take whatever steps are necessary to make sure they didn't walk the streets again.