Friday, 14 September 2007


Never really seen the point of religion, to me it's always been one of those things that some people believe in with no basis in fact, like ghosts, flying saucers, fairies, reincarnation etc.
I suffer from it slightly in that I believe one day I will win the lottery and West Ham will win the European cup! probably more chance of God speaking to me personally, than either of those :)
The main problem with religion is that the people who believe in it feel the need to convert you to their way of thinking, I had to put up with hymn singing and Bible readings during my school years, luckily my parents weren't particuarly religious so I wasn't brainwashed at home.
Other than disease and famine, religion must be the cause of more unnecessary deaths than anything else, most wars throughout history have religious beliefs to blame.
So the simple answer must be...... BAN RELIGION

Here are the ten commandments, the basis for Christian, Catholic, Jewish and a few other religions, from a novel by Moses I believe.
Adapted by other religions to suit whatever they believe they can get away with.

1 I am the Lord your God/Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Freedom of choice is a no no, just like dictatorship).
2 Thou shalt not make for thyself an idol (Wish Simon Cowell had read this, and all reality TV junkies).
3 Thou shalt not make wrongful use of the name of thy God (Support this if only to stop all those morons on TV saying "oh my god" every 30 seconds).
4 Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy (Another good one, day off every Sunday).
5 Honor thy Father and Mother (Good manners, this one should be enforced).
6 Thou shalt not murder (Good advice again, shame religious nuts seem to be the ones who do most murders like Bush and most terrorists, although both of these seem to follow the Muslim version of this one which includes the line "without just cause").
7 Thou shalt not commit adultery (If you do, it probably justifies no.6).
8 Thou shalt not steal (Never steal from family, friends or people worse off than yourself. Big companies and supermarkets have been stealing your money for years and are fair game).
9 Thou shalt not bear false witness (Don't lie it makes things worse. Doesn't it Mr Bush).
10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house or wife (because the house is probably the same as yours with different wallpaper, and his wife is probably worse than yours).

If there is a God can he pop round for a chat, as I need to ask him why he's such a bastard (for reasons I won't go into here).
I don't really expect God to knock at my door, unless it's some religious fruitcake who's monitoring my blog who'll probably murder me, rape my wife, steal my computer, and then lie about it if they get caught.

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