Friday, 31 October 2008

Story What Story

The credit crunch, the American election, Bombings in India, Freak weather and flooding in Devon, The Menezes trial, The Congo crisis, Earthquakes in Pakistan, All are worthy news stories to justify coverage on news programmes this week.
So what do we get taking up most of the allocated news time? Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross's prank calls to Andrew Sachs!!
Does anyone actually give a toss? and why is it taking up so much air time.
Surely Ross could have chucked him a million and said sorry in private to save us having to put up with this drivel all week.
Or have news programs just dropped into the same sewer as newspapers where news is tucked away behind the front page headlines of "Kerry Katona's alcohol hell" or "Victoria Beckham broke a nail" type stories that dominate most front pages.

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